Monday, December 13, 2010

Kibera Film School Pictures

Just got an email from the Kibera Film School that included some of the following photos, and thought I would share them with you.

Adam of Future Filmmakers directing a scene of short film by children from Kibera. On the scene Aida Achieng of Kibera Film School. The scene was shot in Kibera

Stephen from Kibera TV, helping carry a tripod during the shoot in Kibera of a short film by children of the Future Filmmakers workshop.

Future Filmmakers Adam and Willow facilitators with the children during a visit to Hot Sun Foundation in Kibera.

Belinda, Alice, and Bonface from Kibera Film School mounting the video camera on a tripod working on the Hot Sun Foundation Promotional Video shoot

Kibera Film School Crew working on Hot Sun Foundation Promotional Video Shoot

Susan from Meru, Jeff from Machakos, Alice , Martha , Arnold, Ian and Beryl from Hot Sun Foundation, Jason from Bahati- all participants in The Future Filmmakers Workshop, supported by Hot Sun Foundation and the Kibera Film School.

Adam Loften of the Future Filmmakers Workshop showing Belinda, Josphat and Wyclife of Hot Sun Foundation some tips on using the DSLR 6D camera

Remember, you can support the Kibera Film School by going here:

Second Screening For Matatu Express

A second screening for Matatu Express was held at Kramer's on Yonge Street in Uptown Toronto on Friday December 10. It was a private screening for many of the investors and friends that took part in the fundraiser we did in the summer. Thank you so much for all of you that came and took part. At the end of the screening I took a few questions. It was a great time to re-connect with people and share my experiences with Kibera to many people that were extremely intrigued and inspired by the struggles and accomplishments of Kiberans. It was also great that my editor Agnes Dec, my sound guy Buck Moore, and other editor Chris Wardle were all there to take part. Here are a couple more photos from the event, thanks to my friend Matt Middleton for taking them.

Friday, December 10, 2010

A Message from the Hot Sun Foundation

In the summer I had a fundraiser for Matatu Express to raise funds for the films completion. In other words, although the film had been shot, I needed money to have it edited, sound mixed and colour corrected. I was also able to give a donation with the money to the Hot Sun Foundation, a charity based in Kibera that teaches young people filmmaking skills so that they can tell their own stories. I just recently received an email from then, detailing a recent success story. To read it, and learn how you can help out by making a donation this holiday season, click here.